Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mini Chimney Humidifier: The transition to "Humanifier"

Mini Chimney Humidifier: Design Brief

The goal for the redesign of the Mini Chimney Humidifier is to expand the previously Japanese market, creating a new American consumer base for this product. It’s already functional in a way that is global, considering the need for a more humid environment is something that is spread shared among people in general, despite race or ethnicity. The main way that the redesign will take effect is in the aesthetic, name, and multiple options of the product.

Americans are interested in convenience, options, attractive form/packaging, and cheap prices. If these aspects are all taken care of within the redesign, it can be safe to say that the Mini Chimney Humidifier will have a higher chance of being successful in the American market.

Why would America make a good consumer base for the Mini Chimney Humidifier?

There are countless dry areas that contain large expanses of desert in America, including California, Arizona, Texas, and many other places. There are also individuals with sicknesses that require a more humid climate for relief from certain symptoms.

How can we interest them with the Mini Chimney Humidifier ?

We can appeal to Americans with this product by implementing the following points:

*Rename the product. “Mini Chimney Humidifier” sounds bland and generic. Something memorable and with more personality will aid with the overall aesthetic and desirability.

*Redesign the unit itself to contain a little more visual interest.

*Offer multiple models/options with this product, such as new scents, different shapes, and other variables that will give the consumer a sense of being catered to.

I've resolved to pursue something of a strange twist to this product. It may deviate a bit from the original product (well, it deviates a lot), but it's definitely more fun.

I've decided to fashion these desktop humidifiers into a series of figurines, caled "Humanifiers". Each one will be in a different situation that would result in smoke, which will be released as the humidifier's steam. They're a bit morbid...but who doesn't like a little morbidity now and then?

Here are some of my sketches:

These were early drawings, when I was unsure of what direction I wanted to take. I was torn between a normal desktop ornament (just a sort of vase-like item), something playing around with a cigarette in an ashtray, and actual human figures (which were holding cigarettes or simply on fire).

I ended up settling on the human figures, of course. In this particular sketch, a guy holds a long, thin cigarette from which the steam escapes.

Here's a robot figure that's sort of frying. The steam escapes from between his sparking antenna and the joints of his arms/legs. (The eyes could also light up.)

In this sketch, a boy timidly hunches down as his hair is engulfed in flames. (The hair would also light up.)

Those are my rough ideas thus far. I'm looking forward to creating the characters in 3D and seeing how they'll flesh out in a more dimensional way.



  1. This is an incredible idea I am excited to see how you execute your idea. It is Very Tim Burtonesque. What the uck is up with your F key.

  2. Haha those characters are hilarious. Looks like you got it all figured out.

  3. Thanks guys. I have no idea what was up with my F key! For some reason, I don't see the option to edit it and fix it, either.

    I tried filling it in with a marker, but whenever I scroll up or down it throws the F out of alignment. Bummer.

  4. Signed out/back in, and then I could fix it. Yay. :)

  5. The name "Humanifiers" cracks me up for some reason. It goes well with your characters being on fire.

  6. i love your sketches! very tim burton
