Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Humanifiers: End in Sight

I've finished texturing my two Humanifier models, both the robot and the boy with his hair on fire. I've finally named them, too. The boy will be "Billy Burnham", and the robot will be "Scrap". (By the way, thanks for all the great name suggestions, both online and in group critique. There were some awesome ones.)

I've completed a magazine ad, as well as a vertical web banner. For my last two promotional designs I'm planning on creating the packaging and a McDonald's Happy Meal box/cup. Two mini versions of the humanifiers will be added in as prizes, though obviously they won't be humidifiers. They'll probably just have the hair/eyes light up when you push the front button.

One funny thing I noticed is that my logo's shape is vaguely reminiscent of the Sesame Street logo. (Except mine's probably a little less child-friendly with the pointy edges. "You'll put your eye out, kid!")

Whelp, that's all for now. (I never know how to end these things. How about with this?)



  1. HA! I enjoy reading your post... As always Loving your work. PLEASE do the Happy Meal design! I really like the logo yup it is less child friendly than the sesame street one.

  2. Thanks, Stephanie. :) I'm excited to do the Happy Meal. I'm thinking I should also do a maze or something on one side.

  3. I really like the web ad, I can see it working well with some animation.

  4. I really like how you were talking about using the happy meal box as your package, it kind of has that same feel as using the Sesame St. sign. It's a childhood dream with a dark twist. I like it and cant wait to see the final product!!

  5. In the voice of keanu reeves = Woo
