Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Design Brief by Haochen

My Ideas: I chose Midori Otoko when I was feeling so tired. Almost falt asleep, but I after I saw this product I felt my pressure free. I think if I have one flash like this I would play it when I feel tired. It's a flash very good for the people who works in the office. They go to work early of a day and go back to home at afternoon. During the working time, some of them should be feel tired and boring. Therefore, when they have a flash like this. They can play with it and reduce thier pressure.
Target Audience
Age: 20 - 40
Reduce people's pressure who works in the office. Also bring more fun to the office.


  1. It would be cute if there was a female version of it...maybe in purple. HA! I would so use it in Graphic Design class to release the stress when deadlines are approaching.

  2. These things are so cool, I would totally play with it before I even got bored. Different characters and colors would be nice, too.
